Adult Hip-Hop
教师:巧巧老师 Instructor: Qiaoqiao Bilingual Education
成人嘻哈舞课程为成年人提供了一个有趣且充满活力的方式来学习和享受嘻哈舞蹈。这些课程通常涵盖嘻哈舞的基本技巧,包括基本律动、步伐和身体分离等。课程中还常常融入即兴表演和编舞的元素,让学员可以创造性地表达自己。成人嘻哈舞课程适合初学者和有一定舞蹈经验的人,为各种水平的学员提供一个欢迎且支持的环境。无论你是想提高舞蹈技能、获得良好的锻炼,还是单纯想要享受乐趣,成人嘻哈舞都是一个很好的选择。 Adult Hip-Hop classes offer a fun and energetic way for adults to learn and enjoy hip-hop dance. These classes typically cover the fundamentals of hip-hop, including basic grooves, footwork, and body isolations. They also often incorporate elements of freestyle and choreography, allowing participants to express themselves creatively. Adult Hip-Hop classes are suitable for beginners and those with some dance experience, providing a welcoming and supportive environment for all skill levels. Whether you're looking to improve your dance skills, get a good workout, or just have fun, Adult Hip-Hop is a great choice.
* 第一节试课后不满意可以在7天内全额退款。7天后,课程不可以退课退款。退款需Email申请至。信用卡付款将在10个工作日左右退回到信用卡。其他付款形式的退款形式为支票邮寄,10个工作日内邮寄支票至登记住址。 * 换课需经学校同意方可。 * 如有个人休假或因病缺课,学费不退,可以申请插班补课。 * 如因特殊情况下不能参加剩余课程,需Email至info@galaxydance.us申请将剩余的课程存储。